segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2022

Statless Percentile Gaming, Again!

That's it. The simplest possible game system. One simple die roll is all that one needs. The players don’t really care, as long as the roll is honest. Very simple, fast, and elegant percentile based game. Combat is fast and deadly. A low score denotes complications. A high score signifies good stuff. Use common sense.

During the game, the Referee determine the success chances of the characters’ actions. He gives a difficulty, usually 50. If the player score is equal or higher, it’s a good result. 95+ denotes critical success, so it may trigger something special.
Characters have 5 hits. 5 fatal hits and you’re down, plus a couple more if there is armor, shield or magic. If there’s a high enough probability of success, just use common sense and do not roll dice, not even to attack. Damage is determined on a purely narrative basis, and happens simultaneously – the referee judges the players’ narration and interprets it accordingly and fairly. The players’ in-game decisions are crucially important. Clarify your players' intentions first to make a judgment. If they got hit and took damage, the Referee has to tell them, and they’d have to role-play the results of getting a blade through the guts. Sometimes, in combat, Referee may have to ask the players to roll the die when their characters are hit. High results mean they take the blow but without serious consequences. Unimportant opponents die after one hit – this includes groups of unimportant monsters.

Player Character Sheet
Name your character.
Choose the character’s background.
One special power that allows you to do things others can’t.
No stats.
5 hits, but either way, the referee handwaves and say if you die when you screw up real bad.
You have two ten sided die (d100) to resolve any questions.

The Referee's Job
The Referee decide what happens. If necessary, just do that.
The Referee decide what percentage chance an unforeseen action has to succeed. If the Referee's percentile die roll is less than or equal to this number, the action is successful.
Referees are always allowed to decide whether a character's action works automatically or not, and they are allowed to change a die roll if there is a compelling reason to do so.
Referees must always be fair.

Um comentário:

  1. What I do with a percentage roll is the Higher the roll without busting it, the better the results.
